Torah that speaks to the hearts of Jews from all walks of life
Which Path First?
“Your life’s mission requires you to know your self as well as your Creator. Which of these comes first? Logically, self-knowledge should precede knowledge of the Creator. Practically speaking, though, there is one approach beginning with self-knowledge and another beginning with knowledge of the Creator- each approach has its merits.”
Search for the Creator
“Anyone can feel close and attached to the Creator. Deveikus isn’t something that’s limited to rare individuals who are detached from all worldly matters. It’s the purpose of life, & it’s within the reach of every individual.”[Building a Sanctuary in the Heart | #10]
The archive contains audio & video files, transcripts in hebrew & translations in english.

Search for the Self
“The inner world is enchanting. It is a world of pleasure and connection but it is NOT a world of fantasy. It is a world more real and clear than the world we know with our senses.” [Getting to Know Your Self, pg.18]
The archive contains audio & video files, transcripts in hebrew & translations in english.
The Four Elements
The “Getting to Know Your…” “דע את” series, are “general paths” which are not individually tailored to one’s particular soul. In order for a person to attain their own self-recognition of their own individual soul and one’s corresponding personal avodah, the series of the “Four Elements” was developed.
Achdus | Adam haRishon | Ahavah | Ahavah Atzmis | Ahavas Hashem | Amalek | Amidah | Arizal | Avodah | Avodas Hashem | Avos | Ayin | Baalei Teshuvah | Baal Shem Tov | Bas Kol| Binah Bitachon | Bittul | Chadrei Halev | Chassidus | Chaya | Chessed | Chitzonius | Chiyus | Chochmah | Chutzpah | Da’as | Davening | Deveikus | Dor Haflaga | Echad | Etz Hada’as | Eitz Hachaim | Elokim | Emunah | Erev Rav | Gan Eden | Ga’avah | Gehinnom | Gemara | Ger Tzeddek | Geulah | Gilgul | Hachna’ah | Halachah | Hashem | Hamtaka | Hashgachah Pratis | He’elem | Hiskalelus | Hiskashrus | Hispa’alus | Hodayah | Kedushah | Kol Demamah Dakah | Lashon Hara | Lev Meivin | Lishmah | Menuchah | Mesirus Nefesh | Middos | Mitzvos | Moshe Rabbeinu | Moshiach | Mussar | Nefesh Habehamis | Nefesh HaElokis | Neshamah | Nistar | Olam Haba | Oneg | Par’oh | Pnimius | Rabbi Chaim Vital | Ramchal | Ratzon | Resha’im | Ruach | Ruach Hakodesh | Ruchniyus | Seichel | Sha’arei Kedushah | Shalom Bayis | Shechinah | Shleimus | Shiflus | Sod | Ta’anug | Techiyas Hameisim | Tzaddikim | Yechidah | Yediah | Yetzer Hara | Yirah | Yiras Ha’onesh | Yosher | Zohar
Published Seforim
The Rav uses an eclectic approach that speaks to the hearts of Jews who share a intense desire to come closer to Hashem.
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Weekly Shiurim
The Rav’s shiurim are broadcast on the Kol HaLashon audio service. In Israel 073.295.1245. In USA 718.521.5231.